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Sleep and Sleep Disorders During Pregnancy

Apr 4, 2024

Insomnia is a condition that negatively affects the quality of life in both early and late pregnancy. 44% of women complain of insomnia during this period. So, what causes insomnia during pregnancy, and what is good for it?

Changes in hormone levels, especially the hormone progesterone, cause you to take naps during the day and insomnia at night. In addition to changes in hormones; hunger, junk food eaten close to bedtime, nausea, depression, physical ailments, and restless leg syndrome are also the cause of insomnia. Insomnia and sleep problems increase as pregnancy progresses and can start at any stage of pregnancy.

The problem of insomnia during pregnancy can be reduced with some behavioral changes. At this point, there are some behaviors that should be considered;

* Maintain better sleep hygiene: Sleep hygiene reflects habits that make it easier for you to fall asleep. This signals the brain to prepare for sleep.
* Sleep only in your bed.
* Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.
* Keep the bedroom cool and dark.

* Make your bed as comfortable as possible.
* Do not have a cell phone, tablet, or TV in your bedroom.
* If you cannot fall asleep within 15-30 minutes, get up, do not force yourself.
* Avoid caffeinated drinks and chocolate before bedtime.

* Reduce fluid consumption before bedtime.
* Take a warm bath and massage if possible.
* Take treatments to support your nutrition: Do not take medication during pregnancy without asking your doctor, but "melatonin" is a natural hormone that also helps your baby's brain development.
* Iron and folic acid deficiency also cause night waking and insomnia.
* Relax: Relaxation techniques calm your mind. Meditation helps you to relax. For this, you need to relax every single muscle. Yoga will also help.
* Exercise: Create a daily exercise program. Exercise at least 3 days a week.
* List what you need to do: Instead of worrying about the next day, make plans. Realistic planning in line with your capacity will relax you. This will reduce your stress levels and help you sleep better.
* Be open: If you have a sleepless, stressful, and anxious night, share it. Tell your close friends, and your spouse about this situation. It will be good to talk to them.
* Use a pillow: You will need more pillows because of your growing belly. Usually, two pillows will do the trick. It is helpful to put one of the pillows between your knees. You can also buy pillows made for this purpose."

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